Tuesday, May 8, 2012

An Excerpt

***Dear friends,

Here is an excerpt of a story I am working on.***

He brushed off his Art History credits, and contemplated a while as he passed through an arch. The history of the arch was one which greatly interested him, and it was a history which was now complete: the arch had already reached its apotheosis.
Yes, the best designed arch in the world had already been built. It was the McDonalds Arch. Properly called a catenary, it was heavily used by the great Gaudi. It is the inverse of shape you get when you hang a chain, and it is one of the strongest and most beautiful shapes there is. The McDonalds logo contains not one, but two of them. You can keep the Roman Empire, the University of Oxford, and the Constitution of the United States of America. The universal truth and beauty of the golden arches would outlast them all, and so would their preservative-stuffed Happy Meals.

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